Post-16 Destinations

Here at The Laurel Academy we offer a broad careers programme to educate and guide all learners on their possible progressions after they leave the academy at the end of year 11.

Destinations data is any information that is collected on students’ destinations after they depart the academy at the end of year 11 (where a students goes and what he/she does after leaving school).

The following destinations data demonstrates the four year trend in where the Laurel Academy students have gone after they leave the academy. The date range shown is from 2019 – 2022.

  • Please note that the 2022 data is projected and not yet published

National NEET Figures

The following data details the Laurel Academy NEET figures in comparison to national data. All national data is taken from website and is published data.

Laurel Destination Trend

The following information shows the 4 year trend of Year 11 destinations.

HEADLINES – 2022 Leavers

Most popular destination is FE College attracting 71% of the student cohort, a 4% increase on 2021. Second most popular destination was Sixth Form College with almost 10% choosing this pathway. This is a 4% decrease on the previous year.

Qualification Levels
Total number of Y11 students – 125
 53% progressed onto L3 courses
 24% progressed onto L2 courses
 11% progressed onto L1 courses

Dearne Valley College is the most popular provider, with 25 students attending from the overall cohort.
Doncaster College and Rotherham College are also very popular P16 destinations with both attracting 23 students.
In addition to the providers already mentioned, the remaining students accessed courses and education across a further 16 providers.

The latest Labour Market Information for Yorkshire & The Humber (August 2022) confirms that the top growth industries / sectors across the area are Health & Social Work, Professional Services, Construction, Information Technology, Transport & Storage and Wholesale & Retail.